Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Baby L

I was surprised to hear from mom on Jan 16th, telling me she had been contracting for 6hrs.  At 36wks we all thought, "oh it's just false labor, you will probably fall asleep and it will go away."  Well, tomorrow came with no sleep for mom and the contractions still coming.  I arrived to help with her journey around 5:30pm Jan 17th (Dad was resting).  We utilized the shower and the birthing ball.  The upright position and warm water on her lower back helped ease her back discomfort.  When we ran out of hot water we than moved to the couch where I gave a back massage.  I was able to get her to relax and actually sleep.  She woke about 2hrs later, her contractions increasing.  We proceeded to the hospital shortly after.  The nurses were great  and very supportive in mom’s desire for a natural birth.  With lots of help from dad, the nurse and of course the doctor, Baby L was delivered January 18th at 12pm.  He is a little guy but very healthy!!  Congrats to Mom and Dad!! Here are some pictures.

1 comment:

Baby L's Daddy said...

Doula Review by Baby L's Daddy

A year ago if you asked me what a Doula was I'd probably say a city in the middle east.
Once I found out what a Doula really was I kind of chuckled to myself in ignorance and thought
"why would I want this person to be in our house/ hospital room coaching my partner and
me?". Baby L was my second child so I've been through this before. I did all the research
online and even took a birthing class; so I thought I knew it all.

Boy oh boy was I wrong.

From a coaching perspective I was sooooo happy Krystal was there. In the heat of
the battle trying to remember everything Google taught me; along with all the relaxation
techniques and positions from the birthing class. I would have failed my partner and myself.
Krystal really has a passion for what she does and it shows in her knowledge of everything
from pre labor techniques at home to when to go to the hospital to what the little squiggly
lines on the monitors mean; the list could go on and on.

When I first learned of Doulas I thought they were the main person helping your partner
and basically ran the show; I figured I'd just sit in the background. That was far from reality.
I was able to do anything and everything, Krystal was almost in a sense an expert
observer. If she saw that my technique wasn't working she'd show me a different one.
We were able to distract my partner from her contractions by having me massage her back
and Krystal up front doing breathing and relaxation techniques. If at any point I got too tired
Krystal would pick up my slack and do whatever it took to make my partner comfortable.

If a third child is in our future and that's a BIG if. I am without a doubt calling upon Krystal
for guidance. A Doula is invaluable thru out the birthing process and without Krystal there
to calm my partner; I probably would have convinced her to get an epidural within 10 minutes
of being at the hospital. The last thing a spouse wants is to see their partner in pain and with
the knowledge of a Doula that pain is greatly reduced.

Thank you Krystal for helping with our little miracle, he is now 5lb2oz and healthy as a button.